Diversity Equity & Inclusion Caucus Bylaws
1. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Caucus of the Philosophy of Science Association (PSA) has the following goals: to provide an opportunity for networking among traditionally marginalized groups in the PSA, to informally mentor members of such groups entering philosophy of science, to raise the visibility of such groups in the field, and to address any concerns about them in the PSA. The Caucus is authorized by the PSA Governing Board and is accountable to that Board. Its co-chairs act as a resource to the organization on questions that are pertinent to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the profession as well as within the PSA itself.
2. The Caucus is guided by its two co-chairs, one junior and one senior. Co-chairs serve staggered four-year terms, with a new co-chair elected at each biennial business meeting by an online vote sent to the membership. The senior co-chair shall be a Caucus member who is already tenured at the time of election; the junior co-chair shall be a member who is not yet tenured when first elected. The co-chairs are responsible for organizing all the main business of the Caucus and communicating with members. The Caucus also has a secretary/treasurer, who is elected at the biennial meeting for a term of four years. This person will work with the PSA executive director to track finances of the Caucus and to fundraise. They are also responsible for meeting minutes. Other leadership positions, such as social media manager, newsletter editors, and prize committee members, may be solicited and appointed as needed by the co-chairs.
3. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Caucus acts as an umbrella organization coordinating and overseeing a set of sub-groups, each aimed at supporting the interests of a relevant sub-population of the Caucus. These populations may include, but are not limited to, women and gender minorities, LGBTQ+ members, racial/ethnic groups, religious minorities, the neurodiverse, ESL speakers, disabled philosophers, and first generation academics. Each sub-group of the Caucus should have two co-chairs to manage activities, communication, and finances. In order to form a prospective sub-group, the interested individuals should contact the Caucus co-chairs who will direct them to submit a short proposal. Caucus co-chairs may use their discretion to decide if proposals are not appropriate given the current structure and values of the caucus. In addition, they may help members coordinate sub-group formation when appropriate. Any sub-groups without chairs will be considered temporarily defunct.
4. The PSA will maintain a fund for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Caucus which will contain all donations (minus 15% overhead) made directly to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Caucus fund. The funds will be spent at the discretion of the co-chairs of the Caucus. Any expenditure may be denied by the PSA executive director, PSA treasurer, or current PSA president if it is deemed inconsistent with the PSA's mission, endangers the PSA's non-profit status, or exposes the PSA to unnecessary risk.
5. The biennial business meeting of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Caucus is scheduled during each meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Motions are discussed by the members who are present. Motions may later be approved via online vote. On off-years the co-chairs may organize a virtual meeting of the Caucus as needed. In advance of these meetings, co-chairs should communicate with membership about current activities and the status of the caucus.
6. The yearly organizing meeting of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Caucus is scheduled remotely and will involve the Caucus co-chairs and secretary/treasurer, and all sub-group co-chairs. In advance of this meeting, sub-group co-chairs should submit short reports on their activities to coordinate action/discussion. They should also submit any budget requests. When funding is available, the Caucus co-chairs and secretary/treasurer will make funding decisions based on the need and size of sub-groups, and anticipated impacts of their activities.
7. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Caucus Prize in Feminist Philosophy of Science is awarded biennially for the best book, article, or chapter published in English in the area of feminist philosophy of science, understood in a broad and intersectional sense, within the five years prior to each PSA meeting. The winner receives a cash award of $500, from the fund mentioned in 4. The committee that adjudicates the Prize may include the Caucus co-chairs, or they may appoint other, qualified members of the caucus and community to chair and serve on the committee.
8. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Caucus Prize Symposium is awarded biennially to a symposium accepted for the PSA meeting. This symposium should be of high academic quality and reflect the interests of the caucus. These involve 1) engaging with the work of under-represented philosophers in any area of study, 2) involving diverse participants, and 3) addressing topics of general interest to the Caucus membership (though winning symposia need not engage with topics like feminist philosophy, race, etc.). The committee that adjudicates the Prize may include the Caucus co-chairs, or they may appoint other, qualified members of the caucus and community to chair and serve on the committee.
9. These by-laws and any proposed changes must be approved via an online vote by the membership. It is recognized that the co-chairs may have to make interim adjustments to meet needs arising during intervals between meetings and votes. If such adjustments are to become permanent, however, they must be approved in the manner described above. In addition, permanent changes should be made in consultation with the PSA Executive Director to ensure they are consistent with the not-for-profit status and the general mission of the PSA.