Underrepresented Philosophy of Science Scholars


  • To RAISE AWARENESS about the problem of underrepresentation in the philosophy of science
  • To DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT PROGRAMS to address the problem of underrepresentation
  • To MENTOR students and junior faculty from the PSA membership
  • To work towards making philosophy of science a MORE WELCOMING FIELD
  • To INCREASE THE DIVERSITY of the PSA membership and meetings


UPSS Mentoring Program
The Underrepresented Philosophy of Science Scholars Mentoring Program helps pair students and faculty from the PSA membership with a senior mentor to assist in their professional development.

UPSS Session at the PSA Biennial Meeting
Consider submitting a paper for inclusion in the UPSS Session at the upcoming biennial PSA meeting in New Orleans, November 14-17, 2024.

UPSS Travel Grant to attend PSA Meeting
Apply for a travel grant to defray the costs of attending the upcoming PSA meeting.

UPSS Delegate Program
The UPSS Delegate Program provides travel assistance to attend the PSA Biennial Meeting for early career scholars (advanced undergraduates, recent graduates, or beginning graduate students) who are considering pursuing philosophy of science. UPSS Delegates are paired with a senior graduate student "PSA Host" for the meetings, who will help show them around the meeting and introduce them to people in the field.

The PSA Prize in Philosophy of Science & Race
Awarded biennially by the Philosophy of Science Association for the best book, article, or chapter published in English that integrates philosophy of science with discussions of race, ethnicity, and/or racism. Eligible publications must be published within five years prior to the prize year/PSA meeting year. Recipients will receive a $500 cash prize made possible through generous donations to the UPSS initiative. Calls for nominations, including self nominations, will be circulated via the PSA listserv and posted to the UPSS website. This competition is limited to members of the Philosophy of Science Association.

Other UPSS Resources

UPSS Contacts