Text of the 2017 Amendments

Bylaws Amendment 1: The Governing Board of the PSA proposes that Article III, Section 3, of the PSA Bylaws be amended as follows to bring the deadline closer to the date of PSA Elections, which are held in May each year. (Changes are noted in bold deletions are also noted with strikethrough.):

ARTICLE III. Officers and Governing Board

Section 3

The function of the Governing Board shall be to formulate and give effect to the major policies of the Association. A proposal before the Governing Board shall be considered adopted if approved by a majority of the Governing Board. A referendum of any action of the Governing Board shall be held at the time of the annual election if a demand for it is filed with the Executive Director by fifteen full members before November 1 April 1. The Governing Board shall be overruled only by an absolute majority of the full members.

Bylaws Amendment 2: The Governing Board of the PSA proposes that Article IV, Sections 5, 6, and 7, of the PSA Bylaws be amended as follows to bring the deadlines closer to the date of PSA Elections, which are held in May each year. (Changes are noted in bold deletions are also noted with strikethrough.):

ARTICLE IV. Elections and Meetings

Section 5

Biennially in odd numbered years the Governing Board shall nominate at least six individuals to stand for election to the Nominating Committee. In addition nominations may be made by any fifteen full members of the Association. All nominations must be filed with the Executive Director on or before September 15 February 15. Preferential ballots shall be used in the election for Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three individuals. Terms shall begin on January 1 of even numbered years and expire on December 31 of odd numbered years.

Section 6

Nominations for President shall be made by the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee shall nominate at least three candidates for President. In addition, nominations may be made by any fifteen full members of the Association. All nominations must be filed with the Executive Director on or before September 15 February 15. Balloting for President shall utilize a preferential ballot.

Section 7

Nominations for Governing Board members other than the President, President-elect, and most recent past president shall be decided by the Nominating Committee. The number of candidates for Governing Board that the Nominating Committee must select shall equal twice the number of Governing Board members whose current terms are expiring. In addition, nominations may be made by any fifteen full members of the Association.

All nominations must be filed with the Executive Director on or before September 15 February 15. Elections for Governing Board members shall use a non-preferential ballot. Election to the Governing Board shall be by plurality of votes cast.

Bylaws Amendment 3: The Governing Board of the PSA proposes that Article VI, Section 1, of the PSA Bylaws be amended as follows to bring the deadline closer to the date of PSA Elections, which are held in May each year. (Changes are noted in bold deletions are also noted with strikethrough.):

ARTICLE VI. Amendments to the Constitution

Section 1

Amendments to this document may be proposed by the Governing Board and shall appear on the annual election ballot with an indication that this is a Governing Board proposed amendment. Amendments may also be proposed by a full member. Any amendment proposed by a full member must be accompanied by the signatures of fifteen full members and must be filed with the Executive Director before October 1 March 1. Any amendment proposed by a member shall be circulated to the Governing Board prior to its appearance on the ballot in order to ascertain whether they wish to make a recommendation concerning its adoption to the membership.