Text of the 2014 Amendment

The Governing Board of the Philosophy of Science Association recommends the following change to the bylaws. The changes are noted in bold and underlined. Per Article VI §2 of the PSA By-Laws, this proposed amendment shall be adopted if approved by two-thirds of the full members who vote on it in the 2014 PSA Election. If adopted, the change is to be effective starting in 2015.

Proposed Amendment:


Article 3, Section 5

The Governing Board shall appoint an Executive Secretary, who shall serve as Secretary, Treasurer, and Managing Officer of the corporation, to supervise the business affairs of the Association. The Executive Secretary shall make quarterly financial reports and a general annual report to the Governing Board. The Executive Secretary shall be appointed for a four-year term, but serves at the pleasure of the Governing Board. There shall be no limit on the number of terms the Executive Secretary may serve.


Article 3, Section 5

The Governing Board shall appoint an Executive Director, who shall serve as Secretary, Treasurer, and Managing Officer of the corporation, to supervise the business affairs of the Association. The Executive Director shall maintain the national office of the Association, shall make annual financial reports to the Governing Board, shall oversee elections, oversee preparations for the biennial meeting, and oversee communications with the membership and allied organizations. The Executive Director shall be appointed for a four-year term, but serves at the pleasure of the Governing Board. There shall be no limit on the number of terms the Executive Director may serve.

In accordance with this change, all mentions of “Executive Secretary” in the bylaws will be replaced with “Executive Director.”


The proposed retitling of the position better fits the nature of the position and brings the Association into conformity with other similar organizations. The revised description more accurately designates the overall functions and responsibilities of the position.